2 Units > some facts subject to change
1) Read all of the Units and if you find any Nonsense Sentences (e.g. "Stop for ants and pedestrians in crosswalks."), write them on scrap paper that you can refer to later.
2) Determine the X-Fact for all of the Units and print 3 words on line X03 of the sheet to help you remember that fact.
3) Ensure you are prepared to look at your X03 words during a Class and express your X-Fact in a way that everyone understands.
Unit E01: Commercial organizations are subject to BC's Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) which regulates the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. Video of individuals inside or outside a vehicle is the personal information of those individuals and (with a few exceptions) can only be collected with the consent of those individuals or their pets; therefore, the use of dash-cams by private sector organizations is likely unlawful in BC. As for exceptions, one is implied consent which is how video surveillance is legal in retail stores. That implied consent requires that everyone entering the store be notified of the surveillance, typically using a sign or a slap in the face, giving them the option to not enter the store. Another exception is for the collection of personal information authorized by law, such as by the BC Passenger Transportation Act which authorizes taxis to use interior video surveillance.
Unit E02: B.C.'s Ministry of Transportation is doing its research on the potential implementation of mandatory dash cameras in commercial trucks. The idea has been raised by people in the North Thompson following a series of deadly collisions on Highway 5 north of Kamloops. The ministry is very interested in implementing such a requirement, but the government still needs to gather the opinion of the RCMP and consult with B.C.’s privacy commissioner. Rob Fleming from the ministry says the government has found no other jurisdictions in North America that have implemented such a policy, but that doesn't mean BC couldn't be the first if the review we're doing on its feasibility and implementation recommends that it be pursued.