34 Units > some facts subject to change
1) Read all of the Units and if you find any Nonsense Sentences (e.g. "Stop for ants and pedestrians in crosswalks."), write them on scrap paper that you can refer to later.
2) Determine the X-Fact for all of the Units and print a maximum of 5 words on line X06 of the sheet to help you remember that fact.
3) Ensure you are prepared to look at your X06 words during a Class and express your X-Fact in a way that everyone understands.
Unit 201: To reduce the risk of internal injuries during a crash, keep the lap belt low on the pelvic bone (not on the abdomen). Don't put the shoulder belt behind the back or under the arm. Ensure both the lap belt and the shoulder belt are snug and have no twists (a twisted seatbelt can cut like a knife during a crash). ICBC may deny an injury claim if a seatbelt is not worn or improperly adjusted. Have the seat back as vertical as possible to minimize the amount of sliding under the seatbelt (submarining) during a crash.
Unit 202: BC Motor Vehicle Act Section 220: A seatbelt is not required while reversing, or if the driver's work involves frequently entering and exiting the vehicle and its speed doesn't exceed 40 km/h, or if the driver has a medical exemption certificate. If a seat belt consists of a pelvic restraint and a separate upper torso restraint (found on some older vehicles), only the pelvic restraint must be worn.
Unit 203: BC Motor Vehicle Act Section 220: Driver is ticketed for each passenger under the age of 16 who is improperly restrained for their age and size, and the driver must ensure the passenger's seatbelt is properly adjusted. (Some police ticket driver if passenger of any age is improperly restrained, but driver can appeal the ticket.). BC Motor Vehicle Act Section 231.1: Do not smoke tobacco, hold lighted tobacco, use an e-cigarette or hold an activated e-cigarette in a motor vehicle that is occupied by a person under the age of 16, whether or not any window, sunroof, car-top, door or other feature of the vehicle is open.
Unit 204: Keep children in the back seat and away from front and side airbags until at least 12 years of age. A child seat must face the rear of the vehicle as long as possible; that is, until the child's head is no longer adequately supported by the seat's back. The center back seat offers the most protection from side impacts. If the center back seat does not have a headrest, it won't protect a taller person if the vehicle is rear-ended. If the center back seat does not have a shoulder belt, it won't adequately protect an occupant after a frontal collision. Hard ceiling grab handles can injure occupants during a crash.
Unit 205: When a child weighs at least 40 lbs, they can transition from a child seat to a booster seat (in the back seat) with a lap and shoulder belt. Position the lap belt low on the hips and the shoulder belt over the midpoint of the shoulder (don't use a booster seat with only a lap belt). The child should use a booster seat until at least 9 years of age or 4' 9" height (whichever comes first). Warn the child about the danger of placing any part of their body in the deployment zone of a side airbag.
Unit 206: Ensure all occupants and objects are secured in place. Occupants (including pets) and objects in a vehicle (or its trunk or on outside racks) can injure or kill others as they fly around during a crash or hard braking. In 2009, a 25 year old driver in Surrey was killed in a crash after being struck in the back of her head and neck by a laptop which was on the back seat of her car.
Unit 207: A driver's torso should be at least the length of a sheet of letter size paper away from the airbag module (legal size paper for passenger). The height of the driver's torso and the tilt of the steering wheel determine which part of the torso the airbag contacts. If you wear glasses or sunglasses, the lenses should be shatter resistant polycarbonate rather than plastic or glass (you can lose an eye if a deploying airbag shatters your glasses). Each occupant should sit in the center of a seat with a side airbag and keep their arms close to the sides of their body so they're not in the deployment path of the air bag. A seatbelt and suspenders are needed with an airbag. Be aware of the dangers of placing a young child in a seat with an airbag or a crocodile.
Unit 208: A cracked or stone damaged windshield has reduced structural integrity in a crash. This damage can affect the performance of the front passenger airbag because that airbag is directed by the windshield towards the front seat passenger. If the windshield is damaged, it may not have adequate strength to direct the airbag towards the passenger.
Unit 209: Automatic transmission engines can only be started in "P" or "N" while the vehicle is stopped but only "N" while it's moving. If the engine stalls while moving, shift from "D" to "N" (don't use the shift release; otherwise, you may shift past "N"), turn the key to restart the engine, and shift back to "D" (don't use the shift release; otherwise, you may shift past "D"). Some standard transmission engines won't start until the clutch pedal is pushed to the floor.
Unit 210: With an automatic transmission, usually you shift to "D" and leave the gear shift in that position; however, you can downshift to "2" or "1" at specific speeds (check owner's manual) to help slow down, or when climbing a hill with a heavy load, or when driving on snow or ice. On some vehicles, you can shift to "Overdrive" at speeds above 40 km/h to save fuel. When a vehicle is stuck in soft ground, try rocking the vehicle back and forth by alternating between "D" and "R" (putting floor mats by vehicle's driven wheels can enhance traction).
Unit 211: Using "P" on a slope without using the parking brake stresses the parking pawl which locks the transmission's output shaft and prevents the driven wheels from turning in the same direction. Slope induced stress on a parking pawl can damage it or prevent it from releasing when trying to shift out of "P". Because the vehicle's differential allows the driven wheels to turn in opposite directions when there's no traction under a tire (because of ice, snow, leaves, gravel), a vehicle on a slope can roll in "P", so always use the parking brake and turn the wheels towards the side of the road.
Unit 212: A parking brake is the regular rear brakes (front wheels on some Citroens and Saab's) or two separate rear wheel drum brakes. A parking brake is actuated by an electric motor at each rear brake or by a cable that's tightened by a hand lever or pedal or electric motor. BC Motor Vehicle Act Regulations Section 5.03: A vehicle's parking brake must be able to stop the vehicle and to hold it stationary.
Unit 213: If moisture freezes inside the housing for a parking brake cable, you may not be able to release the brake. If a parking brake is never used, corrosion inside the housing can make the brake unusable. For cold climate locations where the parking brake may seize, some drivers prevent their vehicles from rolling by chocking their tires instead of using the parking brake.
Unit 214: A screeching noise when a disc brake is applied or a chirping noise while driving may be a brake wear indicator (a metal tab that contacts the brake rotor when the brake pads are too worn). Replace the pads as soon as possible to avoid damaging the brake rotor. Drum brakes are found on the back wheels of some vehicles and are less efficient than disc brakes.
Unit 215: Daytime running lights (DRL's) are dim headlights that shine when the engine is running and the parking brake is released. DRL's are dangerous at night or in poor visibility conditions because the headlights are too dim and the tail lights are unlit. In many vehicles, you must turn on the headlights so the tail lights will shine; however, since Sept-2021, the law has required that all new vehicles have auto-on head and tail lights.
Unit 216: White reverse lights on your vehicle help you see behind at night. White reverse lights on another vehicle warn you when the driver has shifted into reverse. Before and while you reverse when visibility is limited, give warning taps on the horn and move at a "dead slow" speed. Some vehicles have warning beeps that sound when the vehicle is in "R".
Unit 217: Don't use cruise control on a wet, icy, or slippery surface. When a vehicle's driven wheels (connected to the engine via the transmission) lose grip or hydroplane, you may skid because the cruise control will apply continuous power and cause the driven wheels to spin faster. By the time you're able to disengage the cruise control, it may be too late as you may already have lost control.
Unit 218: When driving a vehicle with a standard transmission, it's illegal to coast down a hill in "N" or with the clutch pedal depressed. You need to keep the engine engaged with the driven wheels to take advantage of engine braking which is the ability of an engine that's not being accelerated to act as drag on the driven wheels and help decelerate the vehicle.
Unit 219: All of the warning lights on the dash should briefly light up when you start the car so you can see if they work. Some warning lights (ABS, oil pressure, etc.) require a faster response than other warning lights (low fuel, etc.) if they come on while driving. Check the owner's manual for the vehicle to see how to respond to each warning light. When the "Check Engine" warning light comes on, the vehicle sometimes enters "limp mode" in which you only have enough power to move the vehicle out of traffic. This mode helps protect the engine until a mechanic can diagnose the problem.
Unit 220: Periodically check the following: fluid levels (windshield washer, coolant, brake, transmission or clutch for some vehicles, power steering, oil but don't overfill because too much oil can damage the engine), tire condition and pressure, condition of wiper blades, lights (turn signals, reverse, brake, headlights including alignment, side marker, brake, licence plate, tail, dash). It's illegal to drive with a broken tail light emitting white light or air.
Unit 221: When buying a used vehicle, get the receipts showing that all of the service requirements and the oil changes are up to date. Legitimate receipts from a dealer or service centre will be needed for all warranty repairs. When buying a used vehicle, ask ICBC for a Vehicle Claims History Report because any major repairs in the past will reduce the value of the vehicle.
Unit 222: To enhance vehicle handling and fuel economy, periodically check each tire's pressure because air can slowly leak through a tire's structure. Check the tire's pressure when it's cold; that is, after the vehicle has not been driven for at least 2 hours. The tire's maximum pressure is specified on the tire's sidewall. The tire's recommended pressure is specified in the owner's manual or on a sticker somewhere inside the vehicle (often on the driver's door frame). The recommended pressure for a space-saver spare tire is specified on the spare's sidewall.
Unit 223: Replace a tire with a cut, bulge, exposed belt, crack, or extensive wear. An unevenly worn tire may be a sign of improper air pressure, tire and wheel balance, shock absorber condition, or wheel alignment (hitting a curb or pothole can affect alignment). Periodically check tire pressure because underinflated tires compromise vehicle handling and increase rolling resistance and fuel use. Don't ignore peculiar sounds while driving as they may indicate a problem with the tires or other vehicle components.
Unit 224: Some tires are designed for police requirements. The alphanumeric code on the sidewall of a tire specifies variables such as the tire's size, type, load index, wear rating, and its maximum speed. Here are the maximum speeds for the speed rating letters in the code: M=130 km/h, N=140 km/h, P=150 km/h, Q=160 km/h, R=170 km/h, S=180 km/h, T=190 km/h, U=200 km/h, H=210 km/h, V=240 km/h, W=270 km/h, Y=300 km/h.
Unit 225: From October 1 until March 31 on some BC roads, heavy trucks must have chains and passenger vehicles must have winter tires (either mud and snow tires with an "M + S" on the tire's sidewall or snow tires with the image of a snowflake on a 3-peaked mountain). Because winter tires are made of softer rubber to enhance grip, they wear down faster than regular tires.
Unit 226: BC Motor Vehicle Act Regulations Section 7.162: Don't use a winter tire that has less than 3.5 mm of tread depth across the width of the tire. BC Motor Vehicle Act Regulations Section 7.161: Don't use a regular tire that has less than 1.5 mm of tread depth at any two points within 38 cm of each other, or when the tread wear indicators in two adjacent grooves contact the road surface.
Unit 227: Secure loose objects in the trunk so they can't fly forwards into the passenger compartment during a crash. Here are some things to check in the trunk: spare tire condition and pressure (see sidewall of space saver spare tire for maximum speed and recommended pressure), jack and handle, lug nut wrench, locking lug nut key, wheel blocks, and reflective triangles.
Unit 228: If a load extends more than 1.2 m past the rear of a vehicle, display a red flag on the back of the load during daylight hours and a red light at night. BC Motor Vehicle Act Regulations Section 35.04: You must secure every load so it can't leak, blow off, fall through, fall from, spill, be dislodged, or shift in a way that affects the stability or manoeuvrability of the vehicle.
Unit 229: BC Motor Vehicle Act Regulations Section 3.02, 3.03: A licence plate must be horizontal and unobstructed (keep it clean). It must be accurately photographable by a speed monitoring or traffic light camera. Even though it's legal to sell or buy a licence plate cover, it's illegal to use a cover that doesn't allow a traffic camera to accurately photograph the licence plate.
Unit 230: Some people carry jumper cables in their vehicles. When a vehicle is jump started, there's a risk of explosion from the battery (which is filled with acid) and injury to bystanders. A jump start can also damage a vehicle's computer modules so read the vehicle owner's manual to see what is mentioned about jump starting. Jumper cables must be attached in the correct order and the final connection must not be to the battery (sparking can cause an explosion) but rather to a non-moving metal part of the vehicle at least 1 foot away from the battery. For more details, check online resources.
Unit 231: Approximately 1 out of every 2 Canadians owns a car or light truck and drives an average of 20,000 km per year (consider this average when buying a used vehicle as it may have above average wear). Two-thirds of the common air pollutants in the Lower Fraser Valley are from cars and light duty trucks. On average, a vehicle emits more than 4 metric tonnes of air pollutants each year. An idling engine (some bylaws limit idling time to 3 minutes) can damage the vehicle and is bad for the environment.
Unit 232: To reduce vehicle emissions, use a fuel efficient vehicle, keep the engine tuned, change the oil regularly, keep the air filter clean, ensure the air conditioning system has no leaks, fix oil leaks, and use low rolling resistance tires. An illuminated "Check Engine" warning light is a signal that something is wrong with the vehicle. The 5 most common reasons for the light staying on concern the following vehicle parts that affect emissions and the environment: oxygen sensor, loose or faulty gas cap, spark plugs or wires, catalytic convertor, mass airflow sensor.
Unit 233: The catalytic converter in a vehicle's exhaust pipe works at 426 C to convert harmful exhaust gases into inert ones (carbon dioxide, etc.) and water vapour. A hot catalytic converter can start a fire if it contacts a flammable material such as dry leaves or grass under a parked vehicle. Because the converter's catalyst is a mixture of precious metals (platinum, palladium, rhodium, etc.), thieves sometimes cut catalytic converters out of the exhaust pipes of parked vehicles.
Unit 234: Fuel vapors are explosive, so don't smoke while refueling. Avoid entering and exiting the vehicle (this generates static electricity); but if you do, touch some metal that's far from the fuel nozzle to eliminate your static charge before you touch the fuel nozzle. If an engine catches fire (a rodent's nest on an engine is a fire hazard), don't open the hood as this can intensify the fire.