4 Units > some facts subject to change
1) Read all of the Units and if you find any Nonsense Sentences (e.g. "Stop for ants and pedestrians in crosswalks."), write them on scrap paper that you can refer to later.
2) Determine the X-Fact for all of the Units and print a maximum of 5 words on line X03 of the sheet to help you remember that fact.
3) Ensure you are prepared to look at your X03 words during a Class and express your X-Fact in a way that everyone understands.
Unit 101: The BC Motor Vehicle Act applies (and you need a driver's licence, safe vehicle, insurance, and a coffee) when you are driving on a highway. BC Motor Vehicle Act Section 1: A highway includes every road, street, right-of-way, and lane that's designed for, intended for, or used by the public for the passage of vehicles. It also includes private places and passageways to which the public, for the purpose of parking or servicing vehicles, has access to or is invited.
Unit 102: ICBC v. Routley (1995): A police officer was injured when his car was struck by an uninsured motorist who was driving on an abandoned railway right-of-way. Since the time when the tracks and ties had been removed, the general public (horseback riders, skiers, hikers, cyclists) had used the right-of-way; therefore, it was a highway.
Unit 103: R. v. Wong (1997): A BC ferry is a highway. Gray v. Ellis (2006): A shopping mall's parking lot is a highway. Nadeau v. Okanagan Youth Association (2013): A private field used as parking during a special event is a highway during the special event. Pierre v. Miller (2010): A forest service road, even if used by public, isn't a highway as it's considered an industrial road.
Unit 104: If you want to head left on the next cross street without the risk of making a left turn at that cross street, you can drive straight through the intersection and make 3 right turns or loop right through a corner parking lot. Here's another strategy: turn right on the cross street, then at a safe location, turn left, do a U-turn, return to the cross street, and turn right on the cross street.