39 ICBC Tasks > 186 Required Topics
DIRECTIONS: Your in-car instructor will use the ICBC Competency Checklist during your car lessons. To prepare for these evaluations, consider how you will respond to the Tasks on this page. You may find that you are not yet ready for some of the Tasks because you have not yet been introduced to their Topics.
TASK 1.1: Identify typical driving hazards and explain how each can affect one's driving behaviour.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
1.1.1 > weather/environmental conditions
1.1.2 > road
1.1.3 > driver attitudes
1.1.4 > vehicle conditions
1.1.5 > animals
1.1.6 > other road users
1.1.7 > unpredictable driving behaviours
1.1.8 > sources of driving errors
TASK 1.2: Explain factors that influence risk-taking behaviour.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
1.2.1 > factors that affect driver risk perception (driver age, driver experience, driving environment)
1.2.2 > caution versus risk
1.2.3 > judging risk in various situations
1.2.4 > role of overconfidence and underconfidence in inaccurate risk perception
TASK 1.3: Explain the relationship between personal factors and one's ability to perceive risk.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
1.3.1 > mental factors (self-esteem, aggression, frustration, impatience, feelings of power, overconfidence, awareness of consequences)
1.3.2 > physical factors
1.3.3 > role of self-control
1.3.4 > need for peer approval
1.3.5 > perception of other drivers
1.3.6 > driver experience
TASK 1.4: Identify three sources of impairment and describe how each of these influences driving behaviour.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
1.4.1 > effects of drug and alcohol impairment
1.4.2 > effects of fatigue, illness, and mental stress
1.4.3 > consequences of impaired driving
1.4.4 > ways to avoid driving while impaired
TASK 1.5: Analyze the possible costs (to oneself and society) of taking driving risks.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
1.5.1 > personal costs
1.5.2 > social costs
1.5.3 > financial costs
1.5.4 > health costs
TASK 1.6: Determine one's risk tolerance through analysis of personal tendencies to take risks.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
1.6.1 > thinking for oneself
1.6.2 > role of self-control
1.6.3 > role of overconfidence/underconfidence
1.6.4 > identifying personal limits and abilities
TASK 1.7: Consistently demonstrate realistic risk-perception in driving behaviours.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
1.7.1 > accurate risk perception
1.7.2 > quick and effective reaction times
1.7.3 > proactive versus reactive driving action
1.7.4 > expectations of other road-users
1.7.5 > consequences of not doing what other road users expect
1.7.6 > safe time margins to complete driving maneuvers
TASK 2.1: Define one's personal values, beliefs, and motives related to driving and explain how each of these might affect driving behaviours.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
2.1.1 > personal driving values and beliefs
2.1.2 > motives that influence driving
2.1.3 > driving as thrill-seeking
2.1.4 > how motives change under different circumstances
2.1.5 > how values, beliefs, and motives influence attitudes toward driving
TASK 2.2: Explain how one's driving may be influenced negatively or positively by at least four social factors.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
2.2.1 > influence of advertising
2.2.2 > societal attitudes toward cars and driving
2.2.3 > influence of other people's driving habits
2.2.4 > peer pressure and driving
TASK 2.3: Consistently exhibit driving behaviours that are safe and courteous.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
2.3.1 > overcoming negative motives
2.3.2 > driving courteously
2.3.3 > resisting negative influences
TASK 3.1: Describe why drivers need to continue improving their driving behaviours throughout their lives.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
3.1.1 > the driver as a lifelong learner
3.1.2 > factors that contribute to changes in driving skill
3.1.3 > changing motor vehicle technology
3.1.4 > changing driving standards and laws
TASK 3.2: Demonstrate an understanding of the complexity of the driving task by using self-correcting activities while driving.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
3.2.1 > ongoing assessment of personal driving skills
3.2.2 > use of running commentary
3.2.3 > how feedback can help drivers improve their skills
TASK 3.3: Describe ways of sharing the road.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
3.3.1 > cyclists
3.3.2 > pedestrians
3.3.3 > large and slow-moving vehicles
3.3.4 > animals
3.3.5 > emergency vehicles
TASK 3.4: Consistently demonstrate appropriate communications with other road-users.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
3.4.1 > vehicle signals
3.4.2 > hand signals
3.4.3 > horn
3.4.4 > hazard lights
3.4.5 > eye-to-eye contact
3.4.6 > non-verbal communication
TASK 3.5: Describe ways to show leadership regarding safe driving practices.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
3.5.1 > individual leadership skills
3.5.2 > ICBC's Road Sense program
3.5.3 > community and school road/driver safety programs
TASK 3.6: Identify environmental concerns in the use of motor vehicles.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
3.6.1 > efficient driving behaviours
3.6.2 > disposal of car fluids and parts
3.6.3 > role of vehicle maintenance
TASK 4.1: Identify key steps to take when involved in a motor vehicle crash or when arriving at the scene of a crash.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
4.1.1 > minor crashes
4.1.2 > major crashes
TASK 4.2: Explain the meaning of all traffic control devices, signs, signals, and markings.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
4.2.1 > signs
4.2.2 > signals
4.2.3 > markings
TASK 4.3: Explain the rationale for driving regulations using several examples.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
4.3.1 > speed
4.3.2 > parking
4.3.3 > impairment
4.3.4 > safety restraints
4.3.5 > licensing requirements
4.3.6 > vehicle insurance
4.3.7 > emergency vehicles
TASK 4.4: Explain the rules of the road concerned with traffic control persons, pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and emergency vehicles.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
4.4.1 > traffic control persons
4.4.2 > cyclists and pedestrians
4.4.3 > emergency vehicles
4.4.4 > motorcycles
TASK 4.5: Explain key legal regulations concerned with driving.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
4.5.1 > B.C. licence classes and restrictions
4.5.2 > Graduated Licensing Program
4.5.3 > point system and fines
4.5.4 > Administrative Driving Prohibition and Vehicle Impoundment
4.5.5 > licence suspensions
4.5.6 > registered owner restrictions and responsibilities
4.5.7 > seat belt use
4.5.8 > regulations in other jurisdictions
TASK 5.1: Define the three steps of safe driving and explain the reasons for these steps (“see-think-do”).
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
5.1.1 > defensive driving
5.1.2 > collision avoidance
TASK 5.2: Consistently demonstrate correct observation skills.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
5.2.1 > knowing where to observe (360 degree vision, distance scanning, blind spots, visual obstructions, limits of observation)
5.2.2 > knowing how to observe (shoulder checks, peripheral vision, mirrors)
TASK 5.3: Consistently interpret the driving situation appropriately.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
5.3.1 > maintaining attention/alertness
5.3.2 > recognizing potential hazards accurately
5.3.3 > using decision-making skills to drive safely (anticipating what might happen, predicting possible solutions, prioritizing situations and solutions, making appropriate choices under pressure, identifying consequences)
5.3.4 > effects of impairment on decision-making
5.3.5 > role of personal motives on decision-making skills
TASK 5.4: Consistently take appropriate driving actions to minimize risk.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
5.4.1 > choosing safe margins (front, rear, side)
5.4.2 > choosing safe driving speed
5.4.3 > braking and stopping safely
5.4.4 > emergency braking control (ABS and conventional characteristics)
5.4.5 > accelerating safely
5.4.6 > covering the brake and horn
5.4.7 > yielding if uncertain
5.4.8 > point of no return
TASK 5.5: Consistently use safety devices correctly.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
5.5.1 > restraint systems (seat belts, head restraints, infant and child restraints)
5.5.2 > air bags and restrictions
5.5.3 > sun visors
TASK 6.1: Explain the forces of physics, such as friction, and how they affect vehicle performance.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
6.1.1 > vehicle traction
6.1.2 > vehicle weight shift/transfer
6.1.3 > vehicle balance
6.1.4 > speed versus time and stopping distances
6.1.5 > crash severity versus speed
6.1.6 > vulnerability of the human body to injury
TASK 6.2: Identify factors that often contribute to collision situations.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
6.2.1 > common crash situations for new drivers
6.2.2 > critical crash factors for new drivers (high risk tolerance, faulty risk perception, level of driver skills)
TASK 6.3: Describe the role of traction in vehicle control.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
6.3.1 > space management (front, rear, side)
6.3.2 > stopping distances
6.3.3 > braking distances
6.3.4 > following too closely
6.3.5 > point of no return
6.3.6 > skid patterns of front, rear, and four-wheel drive vehicles
TASK 6.4: Explain the role of friction in hazardous driving condition.
When you respond, include facts concerning these TOPICS:
6.4.1 > how road surfaces affect stopping
6.4.2 > seasonal changes on road surfaces
6.4.3 > tire types and conditions
6.4.4 > tire inflation
6.4.5 > speed for conditions
TASK 6.5: Consistently demonstrate the ability to alter one’s driving to accommodate hazardous driving conditions.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
6.5.1 > speed control
6.5.2 > steering control
6.5.3 > speed versus stopping distances
6.5.4 > risk perception versus accurate knowledge of vehicle performance
TASK 7.1: Conduct pre-trip checks.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
7.1.1 > exterior pre-checks
7.1.2 > interior pre-checks
TASK 7.2: Consistently demonstrate proper driving techniques.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
7.2.1 > starting
7.2.2 > smooth acceleration
7.2.3 > smooth deceleration
7.2.4 > correct braking techniques
7.2.5 > smooth steering control
7.2.6 > steady speed control
7.2.7 > maintaining correct lane position
TASK 7.3: Consistently demonstrate proper vehicle control while changing direction.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
7.3.1 > yielding
7.3.2 > crossing intersections
7.3.3 > merging
7.3.4 > changing lanes and passing
7.3.5 > maintaining correct lane tracking
7.3.6 > backing up
TASK 7.4: Consistently demonstrate proper right-of-way manoeuvres.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
7.4.1 > stop signs
7.4.2 > two-way stops, four-way stops
7.4.3 > traffic circles
7.4.4 > yield signs
7.4.5 > controlled and uncontrolled intersections
7.4.6 > T-intersections
7.4.7 > malfunctioning traffic control devices
7.4.8 > emergency vehicles
TASK 7.5: Consistently demonstrate proper turns.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
7.5.1 > left turns
7.5.2 > right turns
7.5.3 > reverse/three-point turns
7.5.4 > maintaining correct lane tracking
TASK 7.6: Consistently demonstrate proper parking techniques.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
7.6.1 > stall parking (forward, reverse)
7.6.2 > hill parking (uphill, downhill)
7.6.3 > angle parking
7.6.4 > parallel parking
7.6.5 > shoulder-of-road parking
TASK 7.7: Demonstrate proper technique on highways.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
7.7.1 > entering and exiting
7.7.2 > curves
7.7.3 > shoulders of road
7.7.4 > grade of road
7.7.5 > passing
7.7.6 > changing lanes
7.7.7 > night driving
TASK 7.8: Demonstrate proper technique on freeways.
When you drive, demonstrate skills concerning these TOPICS:
7.8.1 > entering and exiting
7.8.2 > curves
7.8.3 > grade of road
7.8.4 > passing
7.8.5 > changing lanes
7.8.6 > night driving
7.8.7 > parking on shoulder of road
7.8.8 > emergency conditions